Volusia County Libraries offer a variety of ongoing programs for children and teens! - in person events and activities - outodoor ...
TOT OPEN PLAY – 9 MONTHS THRU 5 YRS. Come join us for an hour of fun and social time with other ...
Travel the Indian River Lagoon in the comfort of our 40-passenger Discovery pontoon boat and explore the variety of species ...
Fire up your summer with our Friday Night Luaus! Join us every Friday from June 7th to August 9th at ...
Work together with your family to create a fun project with art instructor, Linda King. Encourage imagination, explore creative potential, ...
OPEN GYM! Ages 5+! Everyone is welcome, so bring your friends!! Games, prizes, and lots of flipping fun - every ...
Open Gym every Friday night from 6:30-9. Boys and Girls, ages 5 years old and up. $15 for members, $20 ...
Teen Night Skate.
We're different after dark. Lasers, music and blacklight transform the whole park into a crazy jumping dance club. Waivers are ...