HUM Love Your Neighbor "“ Community Food Drives
Please donate only non-perishable foods that are not out of date. Most needed are canned pasta, chicken, chili, beef stew, corn, green beans, pork n' beans, soup, tomato sauce, navy or pinto beans, plus peanut butter & boxed breakfast cereal, macaroni & cheese, pasta, and rice. We also need baby items like diapers, formula and wipes and hygiene products like deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, razors etc.
HUM Service Centers "“ Always accepting donations
Halifax Urban Ministries, 215 Bay St, Daytona Beach
Halifax Urban Ministries, 1151 W. Granada Blvd., Ormond Beach
Port Orange HUM, 4110 S. Ridgewood Avenue Port Orange
South Volusia, CorMeth Church, 201 S Peninsula Ave, New Smyrna Beach