4-H is a youth education program that provides children and young adults ages 5 to 18 the opportunity to learn skills they need to be productive members of society, good citizens and leaders of tomorrow. They learn these skills through 4-H projects like sewing, aerospace, computers, marine science and animal projects. Youth can become members of 4-H by joining a community 4-H club, by participating in a short-term special interest program, or by being part of a 4-H school enrichment classroom project.
Would your child like to raise a rabbit, learn horticulture, photography or sewing? Youngsters can join 4-H and take part in a variety of fun and educational projects. 4-H leaders come from all walks of life and include parents and community leaders. 4-H is a program the whole family can enjoy, and joining is as easy as calling the Extension 4-H Office at:
386-822-5778 West Volusia
386-257-6012 Daytona Beach
386-423-3368 New Smyrna Beach