Mom & Tot Programs
Mommy & Me Program
Mommy and Me is a program for children 12 to 24 months old that helps teach, encourage and nurture the parent/caregiver and child bond. Each parent/caregiver enjoys one-on-one fun time with their toddler under the direction of our trained and certified teacher, Miss Yolie. Each 1 ½ hour session provides your child with a taste of a typical preschool day without the trauma of having Mommy/caregiver leave. This leads into a very smooth transition for your child's entrance into a preschool program. You and your child will participate in fun and developmentally appropriate activities such as, playing, singing, rhythm activities, art projects, outside play and much more! Your child will meet other children in his/ her same age group. You the parent/caregiver will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other parent/caregivers.
Ready, Set, Two's
After your child has completed the Mommy and Me class or is approximately 19 months old, he/she will be ready to move up to the next stage of their education, Ready, Set, Two's. This class is a continuation of the building blocks that they have already established in the Mommy and Me class but now they come to school without their Mommy/caregiver. This class continues the development of social and interactive skills, body coordination (gross motor and fine motor skills), language and cognitive skills.
This class is ideally designed to be 3 times a week from 9:00-11:45 a.m. The children will be busy playing together on the playground and in the classroom, working on art projects, participating in circle time, learning new songs, rhymes and finger plays, dancing, singing, and musical movement.