PEDIATRIC HEALTH CHOICE is a family of companies carefully engineered and dedicated to Pediatric Health Care. We are the premier provider of alternative-site health care services for medically complex, technology-dependent and behaviorally challenged children. Over twenty five years ago, we pioneered an innovative, child-focused and family-oriented service delivery model for pediatric health care that has subsequently been adopted throughout the United States today. Presently, we are the largest operator of Ambulatory Medical Day Health Centers in the country. Within our family of companies, we are certified by Medicaid and fully licensed by state regulatory agencies.
Ingrained in our philosophy is: commitment to the highest level of child and family state of wellness/health; dedication to individualized, family-centered care; assurance of a safe, nurturing and progressive environment; provision of qualified, caring professional staff; enhanced utilization of health care dollars; collaborative team effort; a multicultural approach and parent/professional partnership in care.