Soul Sista Birth Services supports women on their journey through Pregnancy, during Labor/Birth, Breastfeeding and Beyond. We offer all our individual and group breastfeeding education classes, Birth Doula, and Postpartum Doula on a flexible sliding fee scale with optional payment plans. As your Doula, we will serve as your emotional, physical, and informational support to help plan your ideal birth, and be there for support when the unexpected takes place. We are a group of breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby wearing mamas whose goal is to uplift and empower women to birth fearlessly and as naturally as possible. We support all types of births including natural/unmedicated vaginal births, medicated births (epidural/IV), C-section, VBAC in various settings such as Home Births, Hospital Births, Birth Center Births. Our goal is to support you in any way you deem fit. Once hired, we are on call throughout your pregnancy 24/7 to be the sisterly support every Mom needs and deserves.