Hours: Sunrise to sunset
Amenities: Hiking, pavilion, wildlife viewing, Great Florida Birding Trail
Lyonia Preserve is a joint project of Volusia County, the Volusia County School Board, and the State of Florida to provide environmental education to the public and restore and maintain habitat for scrub dependent species, including the threatened scrub jay and gopher tortoise. The preserve, named after the scrub plant rusty lyonia, consists of 360 acres of restored Florida scrub habitat.
The scrub on Lyonia Preserve is an imperiled Florida ecosystem that is found on high sandy ridges and is dominated by short oaks and other low vegetation, numerous open areas of white sand, and very few tall trees. Many of the plants and animals living in the scrub habitat are fully dependent upon these characteristics for their survival and success. This is especially true of the most fascinating resident - the Florida scrub jay.
Three trails loop through the scrub habitat of Lyonia Preserve where plants and animals have adapted industrious and clever means to survive and succeed in harsh conditions. Along these trails, visitors may observe more than 164 species of plants and more than 124 species of animals. Experiencing Florida scrub is a lesson in the intricate web of an ecosystem.