No Longer Fatherless is dedicated to providing a mentor for every boy without a father figure in their life. Currently we are serving Volusia County, FL with dreams of being all over the United States, one day.
Our organization recruits, trains, level 2 background checks, and matches mentors with fatherless boys in our community. Our mentors commit to one year of weekly, relational mentoring with their youth. These weekly meetings can be anything: help with homework, lunch at school, play a sport, go to a park, movie, restaurant, events, etc.
The type of activity is not important. The time you invest in a young man's life is what will impact his life forever. The statistics (see our statistics page) for a boy to grow up without a father figure are ugly, but the impact mentoring has on at-risk youth is amazing!
No Longer Fatherless vows to work tirelessly to impact as many lives as possible while being transparent, efficient, responsible, and careful stewards of the donations from everyone who support our cause.