We exist to support our city, inspire life transformation, and link arms to create a healthy & vibrant community. Outreach extension of Calvary FL.
Our Dream: A center that runs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. A place where addicted, struggling and hurting people of all ages, genders and backgrounds can come to be restored, revived and recovered. Personal transformation taking place through the working of the Holy Spirit and the love, understanding and patience of a dedicated staff of volunteers. Ministries including but not be limited to group counseling, discipleship, chapel services, and work programs. A center that will be a lighthouse of hope to the surrounding community through feeding and clothing programs, block parties and special events, ministry in surrounding neighborhoods, health clinics, youth programs, and mentorship for parents.
Volunteer opportunities are always available. Check our Facebook and website for ways to volunteer, and for local events in the community.