Once you've registered as a Care4hire.com member, you will have access to "CareMatch" to assist you in finding a babysitter that fits your needs and schedule. A free preview of potential babysitters is available to families through our local neighborhood mapping technology. Whether you need a babysitter for a few hours a week or full time, you will find them at Care4hire.com. Once you are a registered member, you will be given immediate access to contact babysitters through email and phone. Registered families may search by detailed characteristics to help pinpoint the perfect babysitter for their family. In addition, helpful tools are available, including sample interview questions, a sample reference form and a sample contract. Care4hire.com also gives you advice, tips and information that will help you and your babysitter connect on a social and personal level. Free background checks are available on babysitters that have purchased a background check on themselves. You may also purchase a Multi Criminal History Search on a babysitter for as low as $9.99.