Head Start/Early Head Start is a nationwide, federally funded program whose purpose is to promote school readiness by enhancing the social, physical, and cognitive development of children. Head Start is provided at no cost to eligible families and accepts children age's three years old to five years old.
Early Head Start provides early, continuous, intensive, and comprehensive child development and family support services to low-income infants and toddlers and their families, and pregnant women and their families. MFCS Early Head Start serves 112 children across Hernando, and Volusia Counties. Early Head Start programs serve families through a full day, full year program, MFCS Early Head Start is Center-Based and provides early learning, care and enrichment experiences to children in an early care and education setting. Staff members also visit family homes at least twice per year. We also offer the Early Head Start Home-Based program in Volusia County. This program serves 24 children. Our Home-Based Program is a continuation of the comprehensive services we offer at MFCS. It is a way to offer support, guidance, information, and child development services directly to children and families within their homes. Home visiting is also unique because it offers an opportunity for families to get the support they want in their own homes weekly.
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