Open to current 4-Hers and the general public. This fun 4-H camp will teach youth ages 9-11 (must be 9 as of September 1, 2024) about our natural habitats and the creates that live in them.
This four-day camp offers students the opportunity to learn about Volusia County's unique environments through hands on learning activities out in nature. Campers will visit our fresh water, salt water, and uplands habitats and discover the plants and animals that live in each. Most importantly, students will examine the natural world though a conservation lens and discuss ways that we can conserve and protect out natural resources and local ecosystems.
Camp Cost: (Cost includes educational program, Blue Springs boat tour, Marine Discoverey Center boat tour- transportation provided to these locations).
$60 Deposit
Questions please call 386-822-5778 or email clwoodard@ufl.edu
An Equal Opportunity Institution.